Discover the All-New Mazda CX-90 Crossover SUV | Auto Trader

April 16, 2024
Discover the All-New Mazda CX-90 Crossover SUV | Auto Trader

The CX-90 marks the culmination of Mazda's dedication to meeting the diverse needs of customers, particularly in the vital North American market. With a focus on the ethos of "For the Voyage of Your Life," this wide-body three-row SUV embodies comfort, functionality, and safety, elevating every journey with friends and family to a new level of enjoyment. Scheduled to make its debut in the United States this spring, the CX-90 is poised to captivate discerning drivers with its dynamic presence and refined interior.

Under the hood, the CX-90 boasts a range of powertrain options designed to deliver both performance and efficiency. From the new turbocharged 3.3-liter inline six-cylinder gasoline engine with a 48-volt mild hybrid system to the plug-in hybrid system e-SKYACTIV PHEV featuring a 2.5-liter in-line four-cylinder gasoline engine, Mazda has engineered a lineup that prioritizes environmental responsibility without compromising on driving dynamics.

Looking ahead to 2030, Mazda remains steadfast in its pursuit of human-centered mobility solutions. With a focus on creating meaningful experiences and enriching everyday life, Mazda is poised to continue its legacy of delivering driving pleasure that uplifts and energizes people around the world.


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